Family Photos are Forever

December 17, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

When you're with your loved ones these holidays, you will want to capture the perfect moment.

Running into the Photo - Wilkinson FamilyPicacho Peak State Park

Did you ever notice that when you look at pictures of yourself, the ones we typically like the most include our friends and family?  These images remind us of the people we love or a time that we enjoyed.

Here are seven photography tips for when you have your family together this holiday season.  These can help you take that photograph that will bring back wonderful memories for years to come.


Outdoor locations are usually best.  Look for shade and avoid direct mid-day sun.  The best time for outdoor photos is around sunset and sunrise, when the Arizona sun welcomes photographers.

Nickles FamilyBackyard photos overlooking Catalina Mountains


A friend with a load pleasant voice can be a great ally in getting your group to the location.  It lets everyone know that this is a team effort and takes some pressure off the photographer.


Most amateur group photos have everyone line up rows like a little league baseball team.  Although, this may be practical for large groups, it is not the best options for less than 10 people.  In these situations, you want your group laying, sitting, kneeling, and standing on multiple levels.  Avoid positioning multiple faces on the same horizontal or vertical plane.  This variety makes the image much more dynamic.

Pusch Ridge Homecoming


Depending on your camera settings, everyone in your picture may not be perfectly in focus.  When you focus on the person closest to the camera, then even with others slightly out of focus, the image will be a keeper.  On the other hand, if the person in the front is blurry, the eye will be drawn to the imperfection of the picture.

Fill Flash

Sometimes your camera will not want to flash on a sunny day because of the amount of light in your background.  By forcing the flash to fire you can light your subjects, preventing them from being lost in the shadows.  This can be done with almost any camera, including phone cameras.

Wilkinson Family PhotoPicacho Peak State Park

Click, Click, Click

The hard work is done and it is time to click the picture.  Taking multiple shots can increase your chances of getting everyone smiling with open eyes.

Have Fun

Family and friend photos are better when everyone is having fun.  Sometimes this is hard with little ones or inpatient teenagers.  Keep the session light and remember no picture is perfect.  Plan the formal picture first and saver the silly picture to the end.


Ironwood Ridge Women's Cross Country2013 Ironwood Ridge Women's Cross Country Team


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